Jevandjelska Zbirka
Serije 4 Epizode
Prva adaptacija Jevandjelja od reci do reci koja kioristi originalni narativ kao scenario-Ukljucujuci Jevandjelje po Mateju, Marku, Luki i Jovanu-Baca novo svetlo an jedan od najsvetlijih tekstova u istoriji.

- Acholi
- Albanski
- Ahmarski
- Arapski
- Azerbejdzanski
- Bangla
- Burmanski
- Kantonski
- Cebuano
- Chechen
- Cičevski
- Kineski
- Hrvatski
- Ceski
- Dariski
- Holandski
- Engleski
- Finski
- Francuski
- Gruzijski
- Nemacki
- Gudžaratski
- Hausijski
- Jevrejski
- Hindu
- Hmongski
- Indonezijski
- Italijanski
- Japanski
- Kanadksi
- Karakalpacki
- Kazaški jezik
- Kongo
- Korejski
- Kurdish (Kurmanji)
- Kurdish (Sorani)
- Kirgiski
- Lingala
- Luganda
- Lugbara (Lugbarati)
- Malajalamski
- Maratski
- Nepalski
- Norvešk
- Odijski
- Oromo (Galla)
- Persijski
- Poljski
- португалски (европски)
- Pandžapski
- Rumunski
- Runyankore Rukiga (Runyakitara)
- Ruski
- Srpski
- Spanski
- Suvalijski
- Tagoloski
- Tadžički jezik
- Tamilski
- Telegujski
- Tajlandski
- Turski
- Turkmen
- Ukrajnski
- Urdujski
- Uyghur
- Uzbeckijski
- Vijetnamski
- Jorubski
Jevandjelje po Mateju
JEVANDJELJE PO MATEJU je bilo najpopularnije Jevandjelje u ranom hriscanksom dobu. Napisano za hriscansku zajednicu koja pocinje da se odvaja od jevre... more
Jevandjelje po Mateju
JEVANDJELJE PO MATEJU je bilo najpopularnije Jevandjelje u ranom hriscanksom dobu. Napisano za hriscansku zajednicu koja pocinje da se odvaja od jevrejskog sveta, Matejevo jevandjelje se trudi da nam prikaze da je kao Mesija, Isus ispunjenje starozavetnih prorocanstava koja se odnose na Bozijeg Spasitelja.Snimio projekat Lumo.
Jevandjelje po Marku
JEVANDJELJE PO MARKU ekranizuje originalnu pricu o Isusu, koristeci tekst Jevandjelja kao scenario, rec po rec.Snimio projekat Lumo.
The Gospel of Luke
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE, more than any other, fits the category of ancient biography. Luke, as “narrator” of events, sees Jesus as the “Savior” of all peop... more
The Gospel of Luke
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE, more than any other, fits the category of ancient biography. Luke, as “narrator” of events, sees Jesus as the “Savior” of all people, always on the side of the needy and the deprived. This epic production – featuring specially constructed sets and the authentic countryside of Morocco – has been critically acclaimed by leading religious scholars as a unique and highly authentic telling of the Jesus story. Filmed by the Lumo Project.
The Gospel of John
THE GOSPEL OF JOHN is the first ever filmed version of the biblical text as it was actually written. Using the original Jesus narrative as its script ... more
The Gospel of John
THE GOSPEL OF JOHN is the first ever filmed version of the biblical text as it was actually written. Using the original Jesus narrative as its script – word for word – this profound and stunning film sheds new light on one of history’s most sacred texts. Beautifully shot, wonderfully performed, and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archaeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured. Filmed by the Lumo Project.