Torturados por Amor a Cristo: Hora de retomar onde fiquei

Quando nos dedicamos a seguir Jesus com todo o nosso coração, mente e forças, estamos a gastar a nossa vida de uma forma que conta para a eternidade. Será que consideramos o sacrifício como uma perda? Ou oferecemo-nos de bom grado como um sacrifício vivo a Deus?


  • Tortured for Christ: Who will stand for Christ?

    Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand - and many others - paid a high price to stand for Christ during the Nazi occupation of Romania. Making a choice to stand... more

  • Tortured for Christ: Evangelizing the Invader

    When the Russian army rolled into Romania, Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand knew there would be trouble ahead. Yet the Lord had prepared them for the horr... more

  • Tortured for Christ: The Underground Church

    Through their faith community that became known as the underground church, believers in Romania continued to gather together, meet one another's needs... more

  • Tortured for Christ: Leap Year

    Try to imagine how shocking it would be to walk down the street and, in an instant, become utterly powerless, or to be pulled out of a boarding line a... more

  • Tortured for Christ: The Pastor's Wife

    Like her husband, Sabina Wurmbrand had a compelling calling to share the love of Christ with everyone she could. Even the dire consequences that likel... more

  • Tortured for Christ: Where did I leave off?

    When we are dedicated to following Jesus with all our heart, mind, and strength, we are spending our lives in a way that counts for eternity. Do we co... more
