Ikuti petualangan para Pahlawan Iman pembawa Obor dan lihat bagaimana Tuhan bekerja melalui mereka yang mendedikasikan hidup mereka untuk melayaninya.


  • Kisah Jim Elliot

    Jim Elliot menghabiskan masa mudanya dengan mempersiapkan untuk membagikan Injil kepada mereka yang belum pernah mendengarnya, tetapi tidak ada yang d... more

  • Kisah William Tyndale

    Menerjemahkan Alkitab ke dalam Bahasa Inggris - William Tyndale menduduki puncak daftar "Paling Dicari" Raja Henry VIII pada tahun 1535 dan sedang dik... more

  • The John Bunyan Story

    John Bunyan spends his days in prison, separated from his wife and children. Living in the cold, stone cell is the price he pays for going against the... more

  • Kisah Eric Liddell

    Bahkan Emas Olimpiade tidak akan menggodanya untuk Berkompromi - Seluruh Skotlandia sangat ingin agar selebritis mereka Eric Liddell berlari melewati ... more

  • The Gladys Aylward Story

    With war raging about her and soldiers closing in, this brave missionary sets out on the most difficult journey of her life: a 100-mile trek over the ... more

  • Kisah Richard Wurmbrand

    Berdiri untuk Kebenaran dalam Komunis Rumania - Di Rumania yang dilanda perang, hanya ada satu cara bagi gereja untuk mendapatkan perlindungan dari pe... more

  • Kisah Perpetua

    Binatang Buas Tidak Dapat Menggoyahkan Keyakinannya - Ini adalah tahun 203 M di Kartago, Afrika Utara. Perpetua, seorang ibu muda yang kaya, didakwa b... more

  • The Amy Carmichael Story

    As little Preena is snatched away from the most gentle woman she has seen in months, she wonders how she will ever again escape from the temple to fin... more

  • Kisah William Booth

    Dengan Alkitab dan Doa Mereka Memerangi Dosa - Para pemilik pub dan preman bayaran mereka siap menyambut William Booth dan para pengikutnya yang compa... more

  • Kisah Samuel Morris

    Dia Mengikuti Terang dan Menemukan Yesus! - Pangeran muda Kaboo ditahan untuk meminta tebusan oleh suku musuh yang sengit yang mengikatnya ke tiang da... more

  • The Augustine Story

    Bright young Augustine thinks his mother’s religion is foolishness. With his “superior” intellect to guide him, he sneaks away from home to an importa... more

  • The Corrie Ten Boom Story

    Corrie Ten Boom and her family repair broken clocks and watches. As the evil of World War II sweeps through their city, an innocent Jewish baby is bro... more

  • The John Wesley Story

    When young John Wesley is miraculously saved from his family’s burning home, his mother is certain God has a great purpose for his life. But years lat... more

  • The Robert Jermain Thomas Story

    In the mid-nineteenth century, the hermit kingdom of Korea is determined to keep foreigners and Christianity out. However, one brave missionary will d... more

  • The Martin Luther Story

    In a world ruled by a corrupt and greedy church, all it took was one little nail, one well-written parchment, and one sharp-tongued monk to turn every... more

  • The Adoniram and Ann Judson Story

    Follow the extraordinary adventures of Adoniram Judson and his wife Ann as they work to reach souls in Burma, a land where professing Christ would mea... more

  • The Harriet Tubman Story

    Young Harriet Tubman prayed ceaselessly that she and her family would be set free from the oppression of slavery. Little did she know, God would use h... more

  • The George Muller Story

    George Müller lived on radical prayer, depending on God to supply all his need without telling anyone. By the time God opened his eyes to the neglecte... more