Sklono obitelji
Evanđelje po Luki
EVANĐELJE PO LUKI, više nego bilo koje drugo, odgovara kategoriji drevne biografije. Luka, kao “pripovjedač” događaja, Isusa vidi kao “Spasitelja” svih ljudi, uvijek na strani potrebitih i siromašnih. Ovu epsku produkciju – koja uključuje posebno konstruirane scenografije i autentični krajolik Maroka – vodeći vjerski učenjaci kritički su pohvalili kao jedinstvenu i vrlo autentičnu priču o Isusu. Snimio Lumo Project.

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The Gospel of Mark
THE GOSPEL OF MARK brings the original Jesus narrative to the screen using the Gospel text as its script, word for word. Filmed by the Lumo Project.
The Gospel of Luke
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE, more than any other, fits the category of ancient biography. Luke, as “narrator” of events, sees Jesus as the “Savior” of all peop... more
The Gospel of Luke
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE, more than any other, fits the category of ancient biography. Luke, as “narrator” of events, sees Jesus as the “Savior” of all people, always on the side of the needy and the deprived. This epic production – featuring specially constructed sets and the authentic countryside of Morocco – has been critically acclaimed by leading religious scholars as a unique and highly authentic telling of the Jesus story. Filmed by the Lumo Project.