The Gospel Collection
Series 4 Episodes
Family Friendly
The first-ever word-for-word adaptation of the gospels using the original narrative as its script — including The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John — sheds new light on one of history’s most sacred texts.
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マタイの福音書は、初代クリスチャンの時代に最も人気のあった福音書。クリスチャンのコミュニティがユダヤ人世界から分離しつつあった頃の、クリスチャン・コミュニティに向けて書かれた。マタイの福音書が、何とかして示そうとしているポイントは何か。それは、メシアなるイエスは、神の救い主について言及している旧約聖... more
The Gospel of Mark
THE GOSPEL OF MARK brings the original Jesus narrative to the screen using the Gospel text as its script, word for word. Filmed by the Lumo Project.
The Gospel of Luke
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE, more than any other, fits the category of ancient biography. Luke, as “narrator” of events, sees Jesus as the “Savior” of all peop... more
The Gospel of Luke
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE, more than any other, fits the category of ancient biography. Luke, as “narrator” of events, sees Jesus as the “Savior” of all people, always on the side of the needy and the deprived. This epic production – featuring specially constructed sets and the authentic countryside of Morocco – has been critically acclaimed by leading religious scholars as a unique and highly authentic telling of the Jesus story. Filmed by the Lumo Project.
ヨハネの福音書は、史上初めて、聖書の文言を、その書かれた言葉のとおりに映像化した作品。イエスのオリジナルの語りを、そのまま台本として使用。この奥深い驚くべき作品は、史上最も聖なる文書の一つに、新しい光を当てる。美しい映像、すぐれた演技、最新の神学、歴史学、考古学的リサーチを踏まえたこの映画は、見て楽... more